Tuesday, December 14, 2010

So Annoyed

Have you ever had one of those days when everything is just soooooo super annoying? Well today is one of those days for me. When I got home today I just wanted to relax and help my cousin finish unpacking... That's not what was apparently lined up for me... no, instead, I was to go with her and her husband to Lowe's only to find out that I was going to get declined for a credit card, and then again to Home Depot to find out the same thing. I was only signing up for a stupid credit card so they could buy an oven for the new house that we moved into, which by the way is very nice. Anyway... Then we went to Chad's rental to look at a new couch because we don't have one for the upstairs living room only to find that the one they wanted to purchase was already purchased... Now this store isn't very big and there aren't very many couches in it, leaving the options to chose sparse... but we somehow managed to be there for 45 mins and me standing on the sidelines listening to my cousin argue with her husband because he was being soooooo ridiculously annoying and wouldn't give any input on which couch or T.V. he wanted to go in HIS house. Seriously... she wanted me to go for my opinion, and she really shouldn't have taken me. It was nonsense. And that is my day, but only part of it. Tonight is Glee night so maybe that will make things a little better? I hope so!

"The road to truth is long, and lined the entire way with annoying bastards." - Alexander Jablokov

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